Champion Sureno is on the front Cover or AtomicDogg Magazine.This is a great accomlishment for Cock Diesel Kennels to be the first Arizona Bully Breeder to be on the front cover. Sureno has come a long way, alot of people want to breed to him but they just do not have the right female. Unlike most breeders Ch. Sureno has turned down numerous breeders and there money to breed to Ch. Sureno. It is just not all about the money however I love making money but in order to breed toSureno. Your female bully must be approved.
Everyone will not be able to
own a Cock Diesel Bullie.
Just like everyone will not
own a lambo or a playboy house, or those nice rims
you just got and that sweet sound system and alarm you
just had installed.
"Quality is not cheap.
Cheap is what most people
have, but they do not want"
(Cock Diesel, 2009).
Cock Diesel Kennels
produces huge heads,
chests, and are all thick
boned bullies.
These bloodlines are the
most respected in the world. When people become
serious they get a
Cock Diesel Bullie.
COCK DIESEL SURENO is the half brother to Golden Boy and sired by Kingdom. Nothing but the best and the
best is worth every penny. Are dogs are not expensive they are priceless.
If you are interested in
breeding your bully or
beast to a Cock Diesel Bully
or Beast,
please CALL today.
We accept visa and
master cards.
If you are interested in a
cock diesel bully and you
just don't have the money,
we can set you on payment arranagements.
If you have something you
would like to trade,
my ears and eyes are
always open.
This means get out those antiques, fishing boats,
jet skies, cars, jewelry,
trucks, pistols, quads,
tools etc.
Please call
"It does not matter how many ABKC, and UKC shows you attend or win. What matters is how you feel about your Pitbull/Bullies because anybody can give you a ribbon".
(Cock Diesel Kennels, 2009)
Cock Diesel Sureno is the half brother to Golden Boy, Sired by Boltons Kingdom, Extreme ABKC Champion, Homed by Cock Diesel Kennels, featured on the Front Cover of Bully Ink Magazine Issue #4, is a mascott for Bully Ink Magazine, featured in the AtomicDogg Magaizine Issue #19, and featured on the front Cover of AtomicDogg Magazine Issue #22 and more to come.